Introduce the project here. What will children be creating? What is the objective of the project?
Step 1: Step name goes here
Briefly explain the outcome of this step.
Activity Checklist
The steps should be broken down into a number of checkpoints. You can add text in bold or italics to add emphasis to key words or important points.
Each checkpoint should clearly explain what the child needs to do.
To aid clarity, you can also include images, like this:
You should also regularly remind children to save their project:
Save your project
Test your project
You should regularly ask children to test their project, so that they can see the effects of the code they’re creating. You can even use these points as opportunities to fix bugs and improve code.
Challenge: Challenge name
You should add at least 1 challenge, to allow children to apply what they’ve during the project. You can ask children to fix a problem or improve or adapt their project in some way.